Uganda enjoys a tropical Climate and seats along the Equator in East Africa. Currently, it’s one of the countries with the youngest population in the world- with more than half of it below the age of eighteen, a high unemployment rate and a high dependency ratio.
There are 17.1 million children below 18 years (over 56% of the population);11.3% of these are orphans, 8% of children are critically vulnerable, while 43% are moderately vulnerable (MoGLSD, 2011 and UBOS, 2014a). Nearly half (49%) of women aged 20–49 years were married before the age of 18 years and 15% by the age of 15 years (UBOS and ICF international, 2012).
Hence, the nightmare of child mothers is a reality in Uganda, and unless this is addressed, this cycle is not only bound to continue, but also there looms the threat of entrenching the culture of vulnerability where, child mothers raise children.
There is need for the development and empowerment of socially disadvantaged and vulnerable child mothers and girls in rural and urban Uganda for whom poverty and the HIV/AIDS scourge is an everyday nightmare.
Upon this background, Blocks of Hope came into existence to join hands with other organizations in the pursuit of a world where child mothers thrive in dignity and children blossom into responsible adults.